We are all fine!!  Thank you all for your prayers.  We are so blessed to have all of you praying for our family and appreciate your prayers immensely.

Just as the hurricane approached, we realized we’d better turn over the trampoline.

So in the midst of the drenching rain,  Mark and Evan ran out and turned it over.  They had a little helper.

When the television started beeping its hazard warnings of tornadoes in the area, we decided to sleep in the basement with the kids.

The children all slept well.  I can’t say the same for Mom an Dad though.

We woke up this morning thinking Irene must have passed us by.

Then we got the call from my parents.  They were completely underwater in their neighborhood.

Their basement was flooded.

So we formed the bucket brigade and hauled all that water out of the basement chain gang style.

Although they still have squishy floors,  most of the standing water is gone.  It is still coming in slowly, though.  Hopefully  tomorrow we won’t have to start all over again!

We came home to a tree that had fallen in our front yard sometime during the day.

Thankfully it fell away from our house.

The lake we live next to is overflowing and running across our road.  The houses right on the lake are all underwater as well.  We are expecting the lake to crest sometime tomorrow so I’ll try to post pictures of that then.

I think we’re going to be okay though because we built our house on a hill.

We are humbled by your prayers and ever aware of God’s amazing grace in our lives.

Sunday Snapshot

Blessings Everyone!


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3 Comments on The Aftermath

  1. God Will see you through it. What Ever Happens. Ever any doubts, just read the title of your blog. “My Life In Gods Garden”. It is Gods Garden and He Will Never Fail to see you through. Sometimes “How” he brings us through is not the way we want but HE knows best and will take care of us.
    I Always Love Your Blog ! (when I have time to read it)
    From SW Mo.
    God Bless You.

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