
By God’s Grace We Welcome Another…

We are so blessed and delighted to announce that we have received pre-approval from China to adopt a sweet girl who has waited far too long for a family.  By the time we arrive to take her home sometime this summer, Bi Lu will have waited almost fourteen long years for a Mommy and Daddy […] Read more…

This Man

I love Thursdays around here, even though they are really long.  We have a home-school co-op that lasts most of the day and then ballet, and we finally arrive home around eight, which happens to be about the same time my sweet husband gets home.  Sometimes, on Thursdays, he brings pizza,

and Krispy Kreme.

My kids are […] Read more…

Sharing a Friend’s Post Today

Sometimes I read a post that just speaks to my heart so poignantly that I want to share it too.
This is that post for me today, A Song For Mommy.
It’s a post about a sweet girl who spent just two days shy of fourteen long years in an orphanage, and was finally adopted two days […] Read more…

Guest Writer – Victoria

Below is a devotional article that my fourteen year old daughter, Victoria, wrote for our homeschool co-op’s newsletter, The HomesCool Hot Spot.  Newsletter is offered as a class in which the students learn to interview for features and to write various styles of news articles.  I thought I’d share it with all of you today.
Faith […] Read more…

My Father’s Business

I haven’t written much lately.  My days are filled with children and their school work.  One day a week we have a home-school co-op that we attend together.  We also run to ballet every day for various classes.  In between all that, I work on the house and meals for the family.  Most evenings I […] Read more…

Sometimes Life Is Hard

I have been absent from this blog far too long.  Our internet was down for two weeks in September, and the very day it started working again, our laptop crashed.   Suffice it to say, I have grown accustomed to our laptop.
In addition to feeling like I lost my right arm, we were barely into our […] Read more…

Beautiful Testimony of God’s Grace

I saw this on a friend’s facebook page this morning and just had to share it with you.

There are so many things we don’t understand about 9/11 and all the tragedies in our lives, but there is one thing I pray that we all come to understand,  and that is God’s great love for us.
As […] Read more…

Busy Days

It’s been such a busy week, and I’m awfully tired tonight. It’s been too long since my last post. There have been so many things I have wanted to share as we have gone about our days, yet the minutes quickly turned into hours and the hours turned into days and then were gone… with […] Read more…

The Power of Our Words

Let your conversation be always full of grace, seasoned with salt,… ~Colossions 4;6
I’ve been thinking a lot about our words lately.  We  focus so much today on the freedom of expression.  We encourage the expression of ugly feelings, sadness, disappointments, and frustration.  We encourage our children to express themselves with unfettered freedom. We excuse our […] Read more…

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