Today I took Evangeline to CHOP for her appointment to be fitted for braces. I took all the girls with me, and we waited for hours.


Olivia had a chance to make a picture while we were waiting.


Then we went to the cast room so someone could cut off Evangeline’s casts.



We all watched and were so eager to see her feet.



Evangeline’s left foot looks really good, but her right one is still quite enlarged from years of walking on her ankle. It is much straighter though, and both feet will fit in the braces better now since the surgery has put them in the right position.

She also got to pick the color of her braces. The color she chose is called sweet hearts.


Of course Evangeline wishes her feet could be normal and not need braces, but I think she is looking forward to her new braces in the pretty print. She has been in casts and not walking on her feet for so long that her braces will bring new freedom for her.


Then they put new casts on. The new ones are much smaller and are in a better position for her. She can walk on them much easier now.

In some of the pictures, you can see all of our girls looking on.

We are so incredibly blessed by every single one. I enjoy them all so much. I just love it when they are all together and feel so very thankful that God has blessed us with each one.

A few of you have left comments requesting that I write about my feelings on adopting two children at once. I really have to say I am so very glad we did and would do it again in a heartbeat.

I have never been one to believe that children are better off alone. Siblings are blessings to each other, special God given friends that share a family. Eliza and Evangeline were not only adopted by Mark and I, but they were given a huge family full of love.

They are thriving here.

Our biological children have been given an incredible blessing too as well as they have learned to love Eliza and Evangeline. I will write a post soon about our biological children, and about the incredible grace with which they have welcomed their newest sisters. I am just so amazed how God has grown our children as they have watched their parents step out in faith to answer God’s call.

As time has passed, Eliza and Evangeline have grown much closer too, and share a race, a language, a country and a heritage that we can’t share with them.

Many people discouraged us from adopting two children at once. I don’t know their lives or their perspective on raising children, but I do not buy into the world’s view that families must be kept small in order to properly meet all the needs. Children are blessed by learning they are a part of something bigger then themselves. They are blessed by a family who loves them.

It is a faulty assumption on the part of modern day parents to assume that they are to meet all the needs their children face. Parents are called to love their children, provide for them, and point them to the Savior. It is far more difficult for children to see their need for God when the world centers around them and their days are filled with every kind of amusement.

I love to bless my children as much as everyone else does, but the reality is our children grow when they are taught to love each other, to care for others, to work and to serve God.

It is true that adopted children often have huge needs and histories of horrific deprivation. They are demanding, selfish, disobedient, manipulative, and possess every other bad habit growing up without parents breeds, but the reality is children thrive in families. A family is God’s perfect creation for rearing children.

There are far more children in the world who need families than there are families willing to adopt them. The harsh reality is if we go for one, there is one less child who gets adopted. We can say, “Oh, I think this one will be adopted by someone else,” but that still leaves another that could have been adopted and wasn’t.

I know people have different strengths, and please don’t assume I’m saying everyone has to go for two children, but if God is calling you to adopt two, by all means do.

You won’t be sorry.


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8 Comments on Our Very Long Day

  1. I love your large family and can just see how they love and complement each other. Even our -just- two kids from China (we have no biological children) share a history of abandonment, orphanage, foster family, a country, a culture, an almost similar (read: Mandarin and Cantonese) language and that helps. On top of that: ordinary brother-sister love 😉
    Happy to see that Evangelina is doing so well!
    warm regards from The Netherlands, Claudia

  2. Amen! Excellent truth. Thank you for being willing to share your heart, your beautiful family, and God’s love with us. You bless me.

  3. I have followed your blog for quite some time. I also have realized that we considered Eliza when she was listed with WACAP several years ago. It is so amazing to see God’s plan revelaed – even if it is years later. ELiza belonged with you! I enjoyed reading your comments about the faulty assumptions parents make today. It’s exactly how I feel but your wording was perfect! Thanks for being so transparent!

  4. We just got back with our two daughters from China. It is hard for me to imagine coming home with just one. We started our adoption journey hoping to have more than one some day, but were originally matched with one child (Ling Xiang) from China. Providentially our home study and USCIS were both written and approved for two children. So we decided to pursue a second daughter and were quickly matched with Le Shi. Both girls are 13 years old.

    These two girls now have the blessing of having a sister as well as a forever family. As Diane said, they are demanding, selfish, disobedient…. That is to be expected. But they have each other. They have us. We have them.

    And now there are two less orphans in the world. There’s still 147 million more. Heed the call. Bring them home.
    jim schaubroeck recently posted..Home Sweet HomeMy Profile

  5. “I love to bless my children as much as everyone else does, but the reality is our children grow when they are taught to love each other, to care for others, to work and to serve God. ”

    Oh how I love this statement and want to shout amen! This is my hope for my children as well.

    LOVE Evangeline’s pattern for her braces….so cute! We will continue to pray for her physical healing so that she can regain her mobility. And as always, will lift up your girls for their continued attachment and understanding of God’s love for them.

  6. Sounds like a long but blessed and productive day! I can’t wait to see those new braces! Such cute print!

    What you have said is very true. Children (or adults) do not need their world to revolve around them. The Christian walk is about denying self and serving others and Christ. I hope and pray our family and home is a training ground for the future of 11 (at least) followers of the Lord.

    And from a missional point of view and now the mother of 2 boys home from China and soon to be 2 daughters coming home from China, I am thankful we have had the opportunity to bring home 2 at a time.

    Thanks for sharing!

  7. My two blessings adopted together are doing beautifully and I thank God that I was allowed to get two at once! My girls are wonderful friends. God put the right combination of girls together, they are a perfect fit for each other and for my family!
    Vicky Simpson recently posted..Fun Family Times!My Profile

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