Amidst all the busyness of Easter and Evangeline’s fight to regain the use of her leg, I’d like to take a break and introduce you to sweet Joshua Cross.
Joshua is 5 years old and was adopted from Guangdong Province in December 2011. He was 3 1/2 years old when he came home from China.
He is so very precious and has been such a blessing to his family.
Joshua is blind, and recently got his new prosthetic eyes. Doesn’t he look so handsome?
Here are a few words from Joshua’s mommy.
Joshua has been the biggest blessing!!! Before we walked in the door to get Joshua, we were gripped by the fear of raising a blind child. We had no idea what we were doing!!!! But we have found that Joshua IS A CHILD FIRST, and that his blindness is just an inconvenience. He can do anything the other children do….and he DOES see…just in a different way than we do. ~ Lori Cross
Armed with this experience, Roy and Lori have stepped out in faith to adopt another blind child, little Adéye Grace. Adéye is five years old and very, very tiny. She so desperately needs her family to arrive and nurture her.
This picture was taken when the Lifeline team recently visited Adéye’s orphanage.
As I have shared before, the Cross family has also committed to bringing home another twelve year old girl as well. Her name is Rebecca Ai Lian.
Fees are coming due for this precious family, and I had hoped that I would be able to have a silent auction up and running for them by now. Mark and I are spread thin with running back and forth to the hospital and also trying to keep things going on the home front too. Is there someone who would be willing to help me with a silent auction?
I have some names of people willing to donate, but I also need more donations and for someone to help collect photos and descriptions of the items.
If you are willing to help in any way, please email me at
Please join with us in prayer for this precious family as they walk by faith into God’s will for their lives.