
Putting The Pieces Together

As I have shared before, we know very little about Evangeline’s past.
I have a few pictures of her life as it was right before she came to us, and a couple very poor pictures from around the time of her finding add in 2010.
It appears that a file was prepared for Evangeline […] Read more…

Twists And Turns

I thought we were done with trips to CHOP for a few weeks, but on Wednesday, I received a call from Children’s Hospital requesting that I make an appointment with neurosurgery.
I called neurosurgery, and was given an appointment for today.
It turns out that Evangeline will be having surgery in two weeks to remove […] Read more…

An Open Window

It’s late.
I should be sleeping, but I have to write. I have to preserve forever this night when for a brief moment the window of Evangeline’s past opened up, and allowed me a glimpse of her life before me.
I love her so much it hurts.
As I write this, tears are streaming down […] Read more…

Blessings And Behaviors

One of the benefits of keeping the girls with me all the time, is that I have been able to really get to know them. I’ve been able to identify clearly what behaviors we have had to work on, and I can be very consistent because I am always with them.
I have noticed an […] Read more…

Yesterday At CHOP

Yesterday was a very long day.
We took Evangeline to Children’s to see Dr. Campbell for her spine first, and then to get her casts off and get her new braces.

We waited and waited, and finally after two trips to X-ray, we finally saw Dr. Campbell.
Evangeline’s spine has a 50* curve right […] Read more…

By His Power Alone

Today was another long day at CHOP for Evangeline.
She had a pulmonary function test to evaluate her lungs, a visit with urology and a quickie with orthopedic surgery.
It looks like she will need bladder surgery too in the not too distant future.

We are so thankful Evangeline is finally getting the medical care […] Read more…

Our Very Long Day

Today I took Evangeline to CHOP for her appointment to be fitted for braces. I took all the girls with me, and we waited for hours.

Olivia had a chance to make a picture while we were waiting.

Then we went to the cast room so someone could cut off Evangeline’s casts.

We all watched […] Read more…


I can’t remember when I started praying for Teresa, but I think it must have been very soon after she came home from China.

It was also right around the time God began to grow my faith by leaps and bounds.
I had begun following a few adoption blogs and praying for the children who […] Read more…

We Are Not Alone

Yesterday I faced my fears and shared the darkest depravity of my feelings. I shared that dark place inside that is not pretty. The part inside that says, “No, Lord. This isn’t what I wanted. This isn’t how I want to spend my days.”
Your responses and private messages have encouraged me and reminded […] Read more…

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