Travel Dates for Alivia!

I just received word that Alivia’s family has plans to travel on July 14th. In order for them to be able to travel on the 14th, they still need to earn $8,000!
Here is a link to an auction the family is having on their site. Stop by and ENTER to win!

And don’t […] Read more…

Help Bring Sweet Alivia Home!

I am thrilled to share that we will be giving 50% of the profits on all Pediped shoe sales from now through July 31st to help bring this precious little one home!
Alivia is waiting for her family in Guangdong. She will be coming home to a big family, and Alivia will be their sixth daughter […] Read more…

Pediped Shoes Giveaway!

In celebration of our new Pediped fundraiser, (and the fact that I actually learned how to make a button- This in itself is huge for my technologically challenged self.), we have decided to have a giveaway.

Enter to win your choice of Pediped children’s shoes. We will give away one pair of shoes to the […] Read more…


I am a mother, a rather gentle mother. I take much care in making sure I am “quick to listen, slow to speak, and slow to become angry, for man’s anger does not bring about the righteous life that God desires.”  James 1:19
When in doubt, I bite my tongue. When people hurt me, I choose […] Read more…

Everyday Blessings

The sun rises earlier now and dips behind the trees a little later blessing us with warmer days, longer evenings and a slower schedule. It’s that time of year when cool breezes billow through the curtains, bright green grasses beckon bare foot children to run and frolic unfettered on their turfs, and birds greet […] Read more…

The Judge Said, “Yes!”

I just saw on Tesney’s facebook status that baby Kirill is going home with his forever family!

You can read her new post, “God of Miracles” on her blog here.
Thank you for praying!!!
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Baby Kirill

A facebook friend of mine is adopting a sweet little boy from Russia. They are in Moscow now to go before the judge a second time to request the ability to adopt little Kirill. The problem is, Kirill has Down’s Syndrome. When Tesney and Greg went before the judge the first time, […] Read more…

Sweet Teresa

Little Teresa needs a miracle. Will you pray for her?
You can read about her story and the precious family who chose to love her here.
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A few pics of the family


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Thanks for coming over to my new blog!  Pictures to come soon.
I just ported over a few of my old posts. From now on, I’ll be using this blog.  I’d love to have you follow me here.

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